
As the U.S. Treasury planned to redesign the $10 bill to feature a woman, we teamed up with the American Association of University Women (AAUW) to capitalize on this moment to increase awareness of the U.S.’s persistent gender wage gap. On average, a woman in the U.S. is paid just 79 cents on the dollar compared to her male counterpart. While the U.S. Treasury was asking for input on who should be featured on the new bill using #TheNew10, we introduced #TheReal10 as a way to draw attention to another monetary issue, the wage gap.

At TheReal10.org, women could upload their photo, select their ethnicity, and generate a $10 bill to reflect their average pay in comparison to a white male counterpart (such as $6.30 for African-American women and $5.40 for Hispanic and Latina women). They could then share it out and show everyone what $10 looks like for them. 

CD/AD: Pam Fujimoto ACD/CW: Ronnie Lee Account Director: Kinley Lagrange Digital Producer: Jessica Goodwin



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